Choosing Between Medicare and Medicare Advantage in North Carolina

Understanding the difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage is crucial to making the best healthcare decision for yourself. Original Medicare, comprising Part A and Part B, covers hospital services and medical care, respectively. However, it doesn't cover everything.

Medicare Advantage, on the other hand, is a bundled alternative that includes Part A, Part B, and often Part D prescription drug coverage. It's a comprehensive solution that may align with your needs if you're looking for a plan that offers more predictability and extra benefits.

In North Carolina, Palmetto Medicare Advisors specializes in helping clients compare these options. Our advisors can explain the ins and outs of each plan, from coverage to cost, ensuring you make a choice that suits your medical needs and financial situation.

Confused about the differences between Medicare and Medicare Advantage? Let's clear up the confusion together. Contact Palmetto Medicare Advisors today by contacting us to schedule a consultation.


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